"Here are some tidbits from the February, 1947 Kitchen-Klatter Magazine. This only a sampling, and I've not printed every article in its entirety, but what is here is word for word from the original publication in 1947..."
-Urban Prairie Home (2009)
From a Farm Window by Hallie M. Barrow
"...WE don't drive around to see the Christmas decorations as they do in the cy, but we all try to get out and see which woman has the best Christmas cactus in bloom. Mrs. George Long has had the prize-winning plant for several years, and it has hundreds of pink blooms at the leaf axils. It is really a sight to see. Mrs. Long says that she does not turn it to the sun as with other plants for that would simly "blast" the bloom--it mus remain standing in the same position. What a beautiful sight it is to see a big bay window filled with blossoms!"
Prayer of a Tired Mother--unknown author
Hear my whispered prayer to Thee,
Oh, Father: May I patient be,
Keep my voice soft, gentle low;
Help me serene and calm to grow.
The little hands that clutch and cling,
The wilted flowers they often bring,
The restless feet that track in dirt,
The many little cuts and hurts that fill my day
So often I am tired and harried,
When I have need to be unflurried.
Help me to know which things are real;
Their true importance help me feel.
And may I kiss the clinging hands,
With eagerness receive the flowers;
Help me to guide aright those feet,
Each hurt to bind, then repeat
Soft, soothing words.
Practical Poultry Pointers by Mrs. Olinda Wiles
..."The hen belongs to no union, but her working day is over when the sunlight no longer filters into the poultry house. She is ready for the roost and tne next egg will have to wait until the next day. Enought light should be used to give the hen a thirteen-hour day, and the extra amount needed coudlbe added either morning or evening. However, in visiting with different friends who hav eused lights I find that almost everyone agrees that morning lights are best. By turning on the lights at 3:00 A.M. the hens have had their thirteen hours of lith by early evening, and there are not so many late eggs or eggs dropped under the roosts.
This 3:00A.M. lighting system may be established by the "alarm clock" method, or something similar to it. Norning or evening lighting should all be discontinued when the natural day becomes thirteen hours long. Other advantages of artificial lighting are that it helps the hen to maintain proper body weight and tends to hasten maturity of late hatched pullets. In most cases lighting should be started by mid-October on birds that have been in production for some time. And I would also advise those who are starting with the lighting system to use it on "all pullet" flocks ofr best results.
Pullet flocks are the best all around. Not only do they resist disease better, but they respond more quickly to good care. I read a recent article on pullet eggs in which it stated that they were given first place on every count. Many epople think that pullets lay only small eggs, but this is not necessarily the case as a pullet properly gorwn will lay as large eggs as a ahen. THe white of a pullet egg contains a much higher albumen content and therfore will whip up better and stand up much firmer: it is also much whiter. What more could you wish from any egg?
Those last few pieces of dampened clothing that simply had to be left for another day can be stored in the hydrator of your refrigerator without drying out or mildewing. (note from 2009--does anyone know what part of the refridgerator was the hydrator?)
For the Children
I marble walls as white as milk,
Lined with a skin as soft as silk,
Within a fountain crystal clear
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in and steal the gold.
What is it? Ans. The yolk of an egg.
When does a farmer treat his corn cruelly?
ans. When he pulls its ears.
Recipes tested in the Kitchen-Klatter Kitchen by Leanna Driftmier
(note from 2009: These recipes are entered here just as I found them in the original publication and have not been tested by anyone recently---use at your own risk!)
Jellied Chicken Mousse
1 tablespoon gelatine
1/4 cup cold water
3/4 cup chicken broth
3 cups chopped chicken
1/4 tsp. celery salt
1 tablespoon minced parsley
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Salt and paprika to taste
1/2 cup cream
Soften gelatine in cold water and dissolve in hot broth. Add chicken and seasonings, using salt and pepper to taste. When partly stiffened, fold in cream which has been whipped. Turn into molds, and let stand until firm. Serve on lettuce leaf.
Note: Serve this with hot rolls and coffee.
Danish coffee cake
--Mrs. Paul Peterson, Omaha, Nebr.
2 cups sifted flour
1/4 cup shortening
1 cake compressed yeast
1/4 cup sugar (can use syrup)
2 egg yolks
1/2 cup cold milk (soak the yeast in the milk)
Mix all of the dry ingredients. Add shortening. When the yeast is soft add the two egg yolks and then combine with the first mixture and knead as for any other roll dough. Let raise for five hours, then divide it into 3 small parts and roll out as for cookies. beat 2 egg whites until stiff, add 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup of chopped nut meats. Spread this mixture on rolled out dough that is rectangular in shape and fold over the sides and ends and pinch together. Let raise for another hour and bake until done.
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